Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pricing Trends and Market Activity - Pierce County Update May

Current Price Trends

April statistics just released by NWMLS show that our market is clearly separated into two segments. The under $250,000 inventory is quickly being sold while the higher priced homes languish on the market. This is driving the median home price for sold homes lower. This trend will likely continue as inventories of bank owned and pre-foreclosure listings increase.

Market Activity

Two trends that are positive were supported by April statistics. Sales increased for the fourth consecutive month and home inventory remained virtually unchanged for the fifth straight month. The 1156 recorded sales is the highest number since May 2007. The 5502 homes available for sale is the lowest number since February 2007. Waiting is reducing buyers choices.

Financial Market Trends
The 30 year fixed rate mortgages continue to fluctuate in a narrow range but finished the month averaging 4.875% to set a new record low. Financing isn’t easy though with underwriting being strict and appraisers using caution. Getting sales closed is taking effort. Buyers need to do diligent preparation with their lender before seriously looking for a home in this market.

Financial Market Trends

The 30 year fixed rate mortgages continue to fluctuate in a narrow range but finished the month averaging 4.875% to set a new record low. Financing isn’t easy though with underwriting being strict and appraisers using caution. Getting sales closed is taking effort. Buyers need to do diligent preparation with their lender before seriously looking for a home in this market.

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